Internal Conflict Resolution Guidebook

Internal Conflict Resolution Guidebook

Benefit of This eBook

The ability to interact with people is even more important today with the pressures of our complex and fast-paced work environments. The book presents ideas for analyzing conflict situations and resolution methods that foster cooperation. Discover how to interpret individual reactions to conflict, enabling them to understand and better manage emotions and needs.

What You’ll Learn

First, a comprehensive Conflict Reaction profile enables you to analyze your current approach to handling conflicts so you can pinpoint improvement areas. An assortment of practical conflict resolution strategies is provided. Armed with alternative ways to assuage contentious situations, you’ll lead a more cohesive team.

Why You Need It

Conflict in the workplace weakens morale, strains productivity, and burdens overall progress. Discord needs to be addressed head-on. When conflict becomes a major disruption or risk to relationships, it’s time to be the skillful peace-maker.

What You’ll Do With It

This booklet provides practical strategies for solving conflicts and changing attitudes and behaviors to minimize conflicts altogether. You’ll analyze conflict situations to determine the most appropriate resolution, and use the provided template to create an action plan.

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Sales Effectiveness: Overcoming Objections

Sales Effectiveness: Overcoming Objections

Benefit of This eBook

As long as there is business to be conducted, there will be objections to overcome. This ebook will guide you through the steps of overcoming objections by listening to concerns, questioning to understand, cushioning to acknowledge that you understand, responding, and finally evaluating whether or not the client is ready to move forward.

What You’ll Learn

You’ll discover the 5 key steps for overcoming objections. Discover that not all objections are rational, but instead emotional. Learn to respond to your client’s emotional needs in addition to any other obstacles that may be preventing them from buying.

Why You Need It

Overcoming objections isn’t just about closing a sale; it’s about building relationships. It’s your chance to let your clients know that you’re listening, and that you hear them. And when your clients feel understood, the probability of future business is solidified.

What You’ll Do With It

When objections are satisfactorily resolved, you’ll have more that just a sale; you’ll have rapport. Resolving objections effectively is a process that involves careful, sensitive listening along with positive, factual responses to buyer concerns. Once you’ve mastered the skill, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at your improved closing rate!

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Sales Management Guidebook

Sales Management Guidebook

Benefit of This eBook

Accomplished sales leaders strive to ensure that the workplace is engaging. The relationship between managers and their team members is one of the primary indicators of employee engagement and team success. When managers take an active and supporting role in goal setting and in team members’ accountability, people on the team feel they can make a difference and are more engaged in achieving results.

What You’ll Learn

You will be introduced to the 5 drivers of inspiring sales leadership, starting with an examination your own approach to human interaction. Learn new communication skills and discover effective methods for holding your team members accountable. Develop a clear plan for the sales process that defines performance goals, inspires employees, and ensures that your employees have adequate product knowledge and a keen understanding of the value of customer rapport. And that’s all before noon!

Why You Need It

Most sales executives have the desire to improve their performance and to become more capable of handling job challenges. With effective coaching techniques, a strong sales manager can help the team develop skills that will enable them to achieve their sales goals while having the added benefit of developing trust with the team members. The sales manager is responsible not only for creating a trust-based and engaging work environment, but also laying out a play than produces consistently positive results.

What You’ll Do With It

Perhaps the most valuable long-term benefit of this ebook is the new and insightful way you can begin to examine your own human interactions. Effective leaders realize the need to build trust, respect, and rapport. They genuinely want to understand what inspires different people on their teams and are skilled at motivating peak performance. These aren’t just business skills; these are life lessons!

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Dale Carnegie Quick Tips for Outstanding Customer Service

Dale Carnegie Quick Tips for Outstanding
Customer Service

Benefit of This eBook

It might sound simple, but driving profitability and growth stems from customer service and satisfaction. Transforming a customer into a champion hinges on perfecting the details throughout the customer lifecycle. This guide offers practical customer service tips you can use immediately – and leave your competitors in the dust… every. single. time.

What You’ll Learn

Exceptional customer service is about creating meaningful relationships and memorable moments at every touchpoint. You’ll first be introduced to nine ways to strengthen relationships with customers. You also learn telephone courtesy skills, an 8-step complaint resolution process, types of questions to ask to uncover needs, 5 five steps for asking for a referral, and more!

Why You Need It

Product and price are certainly key differentiators in the minds of customers, but the way to their hearts is through epic service. Outstanding service providers cultivate meaningful relationships from the first contact. Demonstrating behaviors of helpfulness, genuine interest, and respect influences customer behavior – moving them from indifferent to loyal.

What You’ll Do With It

It takes just a few intentional steps to turn good service into great service. Follow the steps to deliver exceptional customer service that exceeds expectations every time. Apply the principles and turn customers, even disappointed ones, into fans who are loyal, and refer others.

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How to Provide Feedback Without Insulting Your Workers

How to Provide Feedback Without Insulting
Your Workers

Benefit of This eBook

A recent Dale Carnegie Training Employee Engagement Study revealed that the immediate supervisor, and their behavior and attitude, drives employee engagement in the workplace. If managers want to maintain engaged workers, they need to provide feedback and constructive criticism in a positive way, without condescension or antagonism. In short, you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar!

What You’ll Learn

This ebook will give you valuable tips for giving positive feedback, beginning with establishing clear goals. Mistakes should be addressed quickly and empathetically, and they should not define the person. Discover ways to engage employees by enabling them to be a part of the solution, while assuring them of their value to the team.

Why You Need It

One word: Retention. When positive feedback is provided, even (or maybe even especially) when corrective, the employee understands that the manager is committed to the employee’s success and growth. A strong level of trust is established which boosts morale and increases productivity (not to mention you don’t have to start all over with a new hire!).

What You’ll Do With It

Addressing mistakes or conflicts is often difficult for managers, but when performed in a manner that focuses on the problem, not the person, you’ll be able to keep your employee motivated and engaged. With team members like that, you’ll be sure to achieve your objectives, and your team will be anxiously awaiting their next goals!

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How to Run an Effective Performance Review

How to Run an Effective Performance Review

Benefit of This eBook

This is a quick and easy plan for conducting a well-prepared, constructive, and positive performance review. It will show you the best ways to encourage, empower, and engage your employees with the performance appraisal. You’ll learn that by exhibiting the right attitude when discussing areas that need improvement, you can ignite workplace enthusiasm.

What You’ll Learn

You’ll learn the importance of communicating the desired outcomes and aligning those outcomes with the organization’s mission. Receive tips on how to evaluate and follow-up on your employee’s performance. Gain fresh ideas for developing a rewards program to motivate and engage your employees.

Why You Need It

As a manager, it’s important for you to keep your finger on the pulse of the day-to-day grind, but even more important is keeping your employees apprised of how well they’re performing. A good performance review can be beneficial in so many ways, not only for correction or praise, but also to determine if you even have the right task assigned to the right person. And the biggest benefit of all, when administered in a positive manner, is the relationship that you solidify with your employee.

What You’ll Do With It

As a leader, you should show how to embrace changes and opportunities in a positive way. When you praise, reward, and set a good example, employees become motivated to achieve more and provide better results. And with that kind of payout, a little positive reinforcement seems like a small price to pay!

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Leading A Multi-Generational Workforce

Leading A Multi-Generational Workforce

Benefit of This eBook

According to a Dale Carnegie Training Employee Engagement study, “Employees who feel their immediate manager displays strong leadership, positive standards and interest in them on a personal level are more engaged.” This ebook is designed to show you what makes each generation tick, so that you can effectively give them the personal attention that they need. Knowing how to communicate, coach, motivate and provide feedback for each generation is vital.

What You’ll Learn

You will be guided through a brief analysis of what motivates each generation in today’s workforce, from Baby Boomers, to Generation X, to Millenials. Each generation has its unique mindset, work style, and ways of communication. Mastering ways to motivate team members individually will enable managers to capitalize on the strengths that each member brings to the team.

Why You Need It

Dale Carnegie Employee Engagement Study shows that “middle-aged employees (40–49 years) are less engaged or are disengaged with their organization.” Conversely, the study found that “young employees (around age of 30) and those age 50+ are more engaged.” At least 66% of the employees are not fully engaged, and that needs to be addressed!

What You’ll Do With It

Understanding ways to motivate your multi-generational team members will create a more cohesive, productive, and happy workplace. Happy team members bring positive results. And that translates to an improved bottom line!

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Communicate with Diplomacy and Tact

Communicate with Diplomacy and Tact

Benefit of This eBook

This guide gives you powerful insight into your own strengths and weaknesses as a communicator. It is designed to help you learn to disagree in an agreeable manner, assert yourself confidently and tactfully, and demonstrate an open and understanding attitude toward others. Think Mother Teresa!

What You’ll Learn

You will take a 10-question assessment to determine if you have the necessary skills to effectively communicate with your co-workers and colleagues. Analyze ways to avoid unnecessary conflict and approach contentious situations calmly and confidently. Learn that giving others the “benefit of the doubt” works in your favor when it’s your turn to be in the hot seat, validating the theory of “what goes around comes around”!

Why You Need It

You can’t climb the corporate ladder if you’re offending your colleagues along the way. Solid business practices require tactful and thoughtful communication skills. If you have a confident and assertive personal style and remain flexible in difficult situations, you are much more likely to rise to the top.

What You’ll Do With It

Communicating diplomatically is not limited to the business world. You should practice thoughtful communication skills with family, friends and even pets! People make mistakes. How you respond to those errors is telling.

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Time Management: A Practical Guide To Efficiently Prioritizing Your Time, Enabling You To Achieve Optimum Results

Time Management: A Practical Guide To
Efficiently Prioritizing Your Time, Enabling You To
Achieve Optimum Results

Benefit of This eBook

The reality of today’s world is that we must achieve great results within less time. The key is to optimize your time, both professionally and personally, in a manner that will yield the most ideal results. This brief guide is designed to help you prioritize tasks and work efficiently.

What You’ll Learn

Receive proven time management tips to optimize your time in ways that will yield the most ideal results. Apply the tips to leverage time and increase productivity. Find out how to working smarter, not harder!

Why You Need It

Professionals of today are constantly juggling time with quality and cost, and trying to do so in a rapidly changing environment. With the goal of uncompromised results, it’s critical to plan, set priorities, and act quickly and decisively. By applying 5 proven time management approaches, you’ll never fear the word deadline again!

What You’ll Do With It

Time management best practices have a direct effect on the efficiency, quality of work, and stress levels. Prioritize to achieve your goals, and keep hassles to a minimum. Invest your time in the most productive way to yield the best results.

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Team Conflict Resolution Strategies

Team Conflict Resolution Strategies

Benefit of This eBook

When a team player has an issue with another, a leader should be willing and able to address problems directly and as swiftly as possible. When you understand different conflict resolution strategies, you’ll be able to more easily see things from another person’s perspective, engage your team members, and work effectively with challenging situations before they become crippling to the team’s progress — and most assuredly before there is bloodshed.

What You’ll Learn

Handling conflict is challenging, and in today’s fast-paced environment, interacting with people amicably and productively is more important than ever. Explore 11 steps that enable you to understand sources of conflict, deal with facts rather than emotions, and develop effective resolution strategies to move progress along. Learn tips for working through differences that lead to positive outcomes and keep team relationships intact.

Why You Need It

To consistently succeed in today’s ever-changing business environs, team leaders must frequently deal with contentious situations that often create conflict even in the brightest of teams. As a team leader, it’s necessary to engage each of your team members to consistently achieve outstanding team results. As ideas and personalities mesh, conflict is not only possible, it’s probable!

What You’ll Do With It

Conflict is generally the result of opposing viewpoints, but if you consider it as a natural sharing of ideas, it can be beneficial. With a clear understanding of the issues and the personalities involved, you can resolve conflict quickly, and effectively. Get your team on the same page and refocus on synergistic opportunities!

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