Mission Statement for Dale Carnegie Training® Switzerland by Value Drive GmbH
Dale Carnegie recognized that many people – including himself – are held back by their fears and doubts and therefore do not realize their full potential. Through the Dale Carnegie Course he managed to
change the perspective of the participants.
Value Drive GmbH stands for “developing values in leadership”. To address the great shortage of sustainable leaders, we are strongly committed to develop young talents for leadership positions on solid entrepreneurial, social, sociological and personality values.
We engage and develop qualified personnel and trainers who share sustainable values.
We recognize the potential in our clients and acknowledge their desire to develop and tap into their own potential. Together with companies and people, we make an extraordinary contribution to responsible and leadership-competent personalities. We give people space and trust so that they can develop themselves and their potential. In targeted training units we guide and accompany our clients to expand their comfort zone in order to acquire and consolidate sustainable and value-based competencies.
We meet people with motivation and passion to work for their company and fellow human beings.
Responsibility: We believe in the good in people. We build on the core values of Dale Carnegie and promote personalities regardless of their culture, origin and gender.
Innovation: In line with socio-political and sociological changes, we are always ready to ensure that our educational offer meets the needs of our customers and we maintain long-term customer relationships.
Sustainability: We strive for a partnership and long-term customer relationship, in which we treat people and companies with trust, respect and reliability.
Training quality: Regular further training as well as regular professional exchange with our trainers is important to us.
Synergies: With the help of our large network with customers, associations, institutions and authorities, we create profitable partnerships for all parties involved and distinguish ourselves as a competent partner in all aspects of education.
We carry and live our values every day.
Andragogical guiding principle of Value Drive GmbH, Dale Carnegie Training® Switzerland:
We offer course participants interactive and goal-oriented instruction. The focus is on the acquisition of leadership-relevant personality traits with the help of real-life practical exercises. We challenge and encourage participants to unlock new potential. The trainer motivates and inspires through expertise and interest in activities. Interaction is respectful and friendly at all times. The participants support each other. The learning climate is motivating.
We are committed to guaranteeing high quality and to reviewing and optimizing it regularly and systematically. Participation in international course evaluations and improvements at Dale Carnegie are a matter of course for us.
A regular and systematic professional exchange with our course trainers is of high importance. The course trainers have completed an andragogical/didactic further training.
We follow an adult-oriented, activity- and participant-oriented teaching approach. The participants should build on their existing knowledge and experience and contribute problems. They are expected to take responsibility independently and are prepared for self-reflection.
We are open to change, but at the same time want to provide a solid foundation. Through contacts with Dale Carnegie & Associates (USA), associations and the private sector, we receive directional input for our services.